Agreed. Rhymes with Jokeachobee.
I’m not the one who called him an asshole. You can explain yourself or not - I don’t care. I was just curious. PS - I think the irredeemable...
I hope they all get assassinated in clever ways. Then it gets made into a movie.
I’m familiar with the word. I didn’t take exception to his post, you did.
tell us how he’s wrong.
Yeah I was gonna say when he’s seen enough it’s over.
Probably my favorite thing to happen during Trump’s presidency.
If it looks like a losing battle I assume Biden would step aside. I think he had to be convinced to run in 2020 and he did so for the good of the...
I think it’s because to bigots, trans people make them uncomfortable. They don’t understand it so it scares them. I think most of them can...
What’s the latest Biden could drop out? I wouldn’t be shocked if suddenly his “health starts failing” if these polls numbers continue into the...
Imagine thinking your rights are being infringed upon by not being able to own one of these things. Shithole country gonna shithole country.
Really? Hamas strike you as the progressive types?
In Alabama? They are probably happy.
He immediately set off my gaydar and that's before I learned of his obsession with gay sex. Wouldn't be surprised if he attended a gay conversion...
How long until we find out Johnson is a closeted homosexual? All the signs are there.
The next service for that church is going to be AWK-WARD
Agreed 100%.
Those spoiler photos look like he has implants. Or are those just man boobs in a push up bra?
Not really. I side with Israel but they are hardly blameless.
Which is of course why he's trying to scrub this from his social media. Because its a nothing burger.