That you failed miserably in your interpretation of that particular scripture is the least surprising thing ever.
I’d bet there will be fewer humans on the earth 200 years from now than there are now.
Great post.
My exact thoughts.
Must be exhausting defending that orange piece of shit all the time.
I just wish this war would make a real difference. But it won't. They might eradicate Hamas in the short term but something else will pop up and...
I doubt that. He’s just being disingenuous. Suffice to say he would have been anti-progressive politics no matter when he lived.
Way back when you 1000% would have been a Democrat.
Having the money I suppose. Same way people can justify dropping $1,000 on a bottle of wine.
15 > 0
Expensive/attractive. $1,000+ per hour.
I think legalized prostitution puts the cracked out craigslist streetwalkers out of business. They don’t exist in the Netherlands. It should...
It's true.
Uhhh have you seen Pet Semetary? Dead IS better. All kidding aside, a terminated fetus never experiences pain, let alone the mental anguish of...
Which was made into an awesome movie.
That’s exactly correct in my experience. Abortion played a huge roll here. I’m in the 16th district and I can’t tell you how many text messages...
I love living here. Makes me proud.