I recommend you stop drinking Diet Coke.
What does she know?!?!
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/13/stock-market-today-live-updates.html Stock futures surged Tuesday as investors cheered the latest U.S. consumer...
Zappa is weird for me. I absolutely love some of his stuff (Hot Rats & Joe's Garage specifically) but some of it I find unlistenable and...
This would be a wonderful first step.
that’s all from the 70’s no? Duke is where they really lose me.
everything up through a lamb lies down on Broadway is killer. Their 80’s and 90’s stuff might as well be Phil solo albums.
early genesis or late genesis?
And no I don’t expect more Jews to die. What a silly thing to suggest. I would expect Israel to stop bombing at some point and use some troops...
You didn’t specifically say “civilians have to die” you’ve said “what else can Israel do?!” a million different ways. Which is the same thing....
'Shooting back' is one thing. Dropping a bomb on a hospital is another. You've already said repeatedly that you're unwilling to sacrifice any...
We all know Hamas are despicable pieces of shit who should die for what they've done. Nobody is disputing that. Nobody is suspired they are...
It’s pretty crazy. If you say something that’s even the slightest bit critical of Israel you’re a terrorist lover.
Duchen’s position is that Israel does no wrong. WGB’s position is that Israel does no right. Neither of them are correct.
I feel like the truth is somewhere in between what you post and what Duchen posts.
Very sad story. The article in the OP mentions another incident in which an 11 year old girl had acid thrown in her face on the playground. Jesus.
Hey man Olive Garden ain’t bad! Endless breadsticks! I just wouldn’t put it on any top ten lists. ;)
If we are including Soul the swampers would be at the top of my list of bands.
Deja Vu is a nearly perfect record. I’ve listened to that album a billion times.