Britain is backfilling Poland with its own 4th Gen fighters. Pretty soon all of NATO will have 5th generation fighters. You get a Mirage, you...
Somehow I suspect this lawyer was or will be on the prosecutions list of witnesses.. [MEDIA]
Exactly aircraft aren’t what they really need. Give them flocks of Kamakazi drones and the long range version of the HIMAR’s. Spoken as a civilian…
It’s like the smell of napalm in the morning BBQ’ing Russians.
This is cool. "You have angered Ukrainians": Prytula and Sternenko are raising funds for RAM II UAV kamikaze drones • Mezha.Media
I have 3! All legally issued;). British, Irish and American. I’ll probably be OK if terrorists capture a cruise ship in the Med…
You see right there - it’s an obvious troll. He’s on my waiting list…
Agree the other stuff is of much more import but boy it’s fun to rattle his cage
Interesting insight. Trump will be unable to restrain himself… [MEDIA]
Nah you’re angling for what you think is a subtle troll. It isn’t…
Gas ‘em beat ‘em and send them to jail…
Sure thing comrade You know better than Austin, Mattis, Miley and McMaster et al. Your’e not an effective bot, but that’s par for the course.
They might hold on to Crimea but a couple of years tops. Blow up the bridge and it all goes Kaput!
yeah but your conveniently forgetting everything NATO is sending in. That and the fact that Ukraine is 10x more efficient in killing Russians....