Depends where this goes, Federal court of FL SC? They have a track record of rubber stamping DeSatan
Swing and a miss! Most people need a vehicle (commercial or otherwise) to live. Almost no one needs a gun. edit to add I bet the ratio of miles...
Faux News CEO email “This has to stop now”. Turns out actually reporting news and facts is bad for their business). The punitive damages are...
Sadly we can talk about this till we’re blue in the face but thanks to the intransigence of gun nutter legislators and a packed red Supreme Court...
Sadly true wrt to overturning but Chief Justice Warren Burger had it right on how we should interoperate it We can highly regulate it
Blah blah blah. They could but most won’t. All my reasonable ideas attack the problem. None of the gun nutter even suggest an attempt to fix...
As do many many many gun owners
The substance of the matter is that there are plenty of things you can’t buy as much as you want and lots of things that require hoops to jump...
One of my reasonable suggestions mentioned up thread. Make magazines difficult to change out shouldn’t be able to swap out like per dispensers....
Well I guess I wasn’t the first to point this out… SOTUS GOP chief Justice 2Nd Amendment”fraud on the American people” Lawrence O’Donnell Airs...
Yup just like we place reasonable restrictions on the sale of alcohol, C4 p, icigarettes and Sudafed to name a few. We even had limits on Baby...
12B, That’s the absurd part. Works in other countries, let’s face it it’s not worth replying to me on this because you are clearly in the do...
Ah well the exception proves the point..
To a reasonable person making ammo WAY less available is extremely effective. Even though you may not be a reasonable person (I pass no...
you rent in the sense you can’t take it with you. As the saying goes, If it flys, floats, f…. or shoots rent it;) as for the rural folks life...
It’s the ammo that matters. The vast vast majority of people are not reloaders. If they become one find them and prosecute them. But your...
They can rent all they want at shooting range and fire till their wallet is maxed out. Problem SOLved!
Swing and a miss, no one is shooting pythons
Following the Israeli model limit ammo sales to 25 rounds per year. Will take a while to deplete the biggest nutters but will definitely have an...
Trump is going to trial in the Jean Carrol defamation case. Summary judgement denied. In a new filing on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Lewis...