Oh goody, gun turrets, moats, alligators, electrified wire. Why stop there? add in some napalm for good measure. Red meat for the maga base.
George Carlin says hi ;)
btw, what does the " H" stand for? asking for a friend
Theocracy, here we come. If these people get their way.
Yep the same " dumb card" they play when q anon and related things come up.
It is a big deal because one of the major parties has a a good shot at putting it into place. Just because you may be in favor of the ideas does...
This is what the gop wants
and we ALLL must obey because he said so.
It is not some thing the libbies made up. Look it up. It is a collection of policy proposals the Heritage Foundation et al want to enact if Trump...
The reasons for abortion: Statistics, safety, and access
control freaks gonna control freak
"tell" ergo women are property, chattel, handmaidens. Paternalism defined.
and that stigmatizing trope about LGBTQ people being dangerous. They are far more likely to be victims of crimes than perpetrators. In some...
Yet some here and in the gop carry water for these bastards.
Funny that you use the word " choice" when you want to deprive others of that option. Don't believe in abortion? Don't get one.
Your position is clear: no exceptions for rape or incest. A truly despicable position.
a lot of competition to be first in line in that ass kissing contest that the gop has become.
Underscores that it is about power and control. All that pro life rhetoric is a red herring.
So your empathy only applies to fetuses. Women are just vessels for having babies. You are several centuries behind the times. The Taliban think...
Easy for you to say. Ever been raped? ever faced the prospect of carrying a rapists baby to full term, then having to raise it? Or looking at it's...