don't worry, they're coming
and I find it interesting that folks like you are ok with a theocracy
That or put them in camps.
What is sad is it isn't even about policy at this point. ( economy, foreign policy, health, education, all the usual policy debates that were the...
Unlike the cult on the other side, I don't worship the ground Biden walks on. Hell, I'm not even a registered democrat. We appear to be down to a...
No worries, the scotus will allow it. They'll call it free speech or whatever reasoning they choose. The writing is on the wall.
The crazy caucus is too busy swinging from the rafters and slinging shit at each other to address any of this effectively.
Agreed, for whatever reason she does not resonate with the general electorate and would lose to Trump head to head in November.
Yep, the first woman to occupy the oval office will want to have been elected to that post for a full four year term, with a shot at a second term...
I'm sure Putin is quite pleased with what happened at that debate last night. He knows that if Trump gets in, US aid for Ukraine dries up. Trump...
Congress isn't going to effectively get into the weeds on every regulation on every piece of public land in the country when it comes to resource...
I'm afraid Biden's ship has sailed. He ain't coming back from the shark jump last night. Undecideds will either stay home, vote for Trump, or go...
They either get their shit together and run a viable candidate or hand it to Trump on a silver platter ( which may already be the case).
Again, what does the H stand for? ;)
The GOP will never allow that. Look at the popular votes for potus over the last several cycles.
That might be true, but the patient is not up for the job for another 4 years. Having to choose between that and Trump sucks.
Let's be honest. Biden last night looked like he belonged in a nursing home. We already know who Trump is.
or someone's mother
well it was either that or as Dr Trump suggested " injecting bleach"... whatever the hell that meant.....:eek:
So just insert the cpac platform into future rulings as it is clear the court is in the bag.