but he will an R vote in the senate for whatever orange guy wants.
No doubt that Trump is the odds on favorite at this point. That debacle the other night felt like an inflection point. I don't see Biden coming...
or authoritarianism. Loyalty to dear leader and to hell with everything else.
I have a feeling we ain't seen nothing yet.
So which is it? Biden is and has been all along a nursing home patient who doesn't know what day it is or he is an evil genius weaponizing the doj...
The " black jobs" comment won't make a damn bit of difference.
Not only can it happen here, it is happening here. Buckle up, the coming years will be interesting to say the least.
Picking a successor not a vp. Playing the long game.
Those laws and regs were put into place for a reason: clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, to avoid having Americans living in toxic waste...
Building a program from the ground up. Almost as if we started football when he was hired ( yes it was that bad). A coach recycling program takes...
When you think about a rival and wish they would never win another game, ever....factor that in. For me that would be f$u and uga. Re: op... f$u
None of the trials will happen before the election. If he wins, they will never happen. How's that for immunity?
If so, then how do explain the times he hasn't looked like a nursing home patient. e.g, state of the union or his speech in NC today?
The TP thing back then was beyond bizarre.
shhhh, don't interrupt them while they are building a theocracy.
Some school admin in Texas: " hold my beer"...... a bible AND an AR-15 ;)
too little too late, where was that guy last night when it could have made a difference?
" Some animals are more equal than others" George Orwell
because they're rich
They will get pardons in January, no worries