delay delay delay, same as immunity if he wins in november. Those other cases will never see the light of day. Yay team!
Maybe Fox is hoping the Trump admin will lock him up and make it all go away.
and there is de facto immunity.
That and the trauma some of them experienced from having a black man in the white house for 8 years. Some of them will never get over that.
The point stands whether you can understand it or accept it or not: The D party did not make you do anything. Granted both parties have issues,...
Same line of reasoning that DV perps use : " look what you made me do" You sure you want to crawl into the sack with that?
There is no doubt that if the Trump admin had a case for prosecuting Hillary, they would have done it in a heartbeat. Spare us that bullshit about...
i wonder how many boxes of skates will get shipped to mar a lago?
Then Jim Cantore would have to do live shots standing in the heat wave. Not as riveting as him standing in the wind as people casually walk...
defining all that will build in more delays to help their homie.
My understanding is since Biden already has more than the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination, he would have to voluntarily step...
Agreed, not suggesting Trump will be in the WH for life, but his hand picked successors will keep it rolling. At least that is the plan.
If nothing else it will be interesting and potentially dangerous ( unless you're part of the " in" group) to watch them build an American Reich....
His homies on the court will have his back and there isn't jack anyone can do about it. They will never be impeached and the gop will never go...
Yep, that " look what you made me do" line of reasoning is bullshit. Didn't make you do anything. You are responsible for your words, behavior,...
Having a discussion about climate change with someone who conflates climate with weather is pointless. Carry on.
To a point, but those around him want to make a maga America permanent (project 2025 e.g.).
Still waiting for a quote from any serious politician with any power at all suggesting " open borders". Similar to that other maga bullshit...
Exactly. He is on record for cutting US aid to Ukraine, which effectively hands Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter. Even if he can't pull us...