< sound of joke sailing right over your head>
UCF: " Nighty knight!" Kentucky Fried Cat
MSN Sentencing postponed. The most persecuted man in history sure does skate a lot. Sign him up for the olympics.
Above the law, just the way they want him. Want to chip in for some skates to mail to mar a lago?
Typical Trumper: news they don't like is fake news, fingers in ears, jumping up and down. Next.....
a flea farted in China.
You haven't lived until you've been barked at by full grown drunken adults.
a pallet of skates on the way to mar a lago
<orders a crate of garlic>
They can high five each other all they want. Minority rule is not sustainable.
In their world, anyone who does not wholeheartedly support Trump isn't even an American.
Part of wanting the 1950s back. Smoking was good for you then.
Scotus is full of shit.
And they calk those who disagree with him snowflakes:rolleyes:
What part of that is not true and yay team, right?
IOW the same fire hose of bullshit we have been facing for years from the orange guy.
Yep, they are totally cool with the orange god doing it. Anyone else and they would lose their shit. btw the " both sides" thing does not even...
He did
" no one is above the law" and " equal justice under law" Both are bullshit.
quite the heated debate :ninja3: