If you think a Trump presidency would be bad, let's try a GOP super majority in the house and senate. Imagine what they would do what that kind of...
Miami tradewinds MSU: insult to injury, we beat them and they STILL have to live in Starkville.
the cmte is all RINOS, did you not get the memo?
So will you be attending Trump's Coronation (inauguration) in January? I'm sure it will be wild.
Many on the right want their theocracy and by GOD they intend to have it.
We will keep that in mind as you call those you disagree with commies and America haters.
I tend to agree. Not sure how he comes back from that debacle last week.
Civil rights act, new deal legislation in their crosshairs.
Unplug Florida, then plug it back in?
Exactly. Why do we bother educating young people? So they will have the ability to function and to contribute to society. Beyond the basic skills,...
Yep any one does not worship the orange god is a RINO or a radical commie who hates America.
Reminds of when dear leader wanted to "take" Iraq's oil.
Volunteering to be a political prisoner?
Have you read the constitution lately? There is some verbage in there that speaks to that. Establishment clause. Check it out.
new fashion trend? the oompah loompah look?
Fealty to Trump or you are out. That is today's gop.
Thoughts and prayers
Isn't the solution du jour to slap the ten commandments on the wall and make the bible a textbook?
Pootie is holding onto the hope that if Trump wins in November that US aid for Ukraine will evaporate starting in January 2025. Trump has said as...