several trump worshippers in here could be in that truck
If it does happen, we better get our shit together because Kirby et al would love nothing more than to come into the Swamp and lay an SOS style...
oh Biden did that too, as a private citizen in the basement of that pizza parlor on Hunter's laptop while Hillary watched.
Your J 6 " political prisoners" wanted that here. Look in the mirror.
and some want that kind of thing here
resisting what is the question. Loyalty to the constitution? to the country? or just to your orange god? It actually matters.
yep, same thing they have done to the GOP: fealty to Trump or you are OUT.
All fine and dandy until they come for you. Btw, will the rail cars be equipped with big screen tv's? I'd like to at least watch a gator game on...
bread and circuses and we are the circus
in before the TDS card gets tossed out
So a J 6 that was successful
So unfettered application of the second amendment and women are chattel. Good to know.
anyone who doesn't kiss Trump's ass
Book bannings are a gop thing.
So according to the maga revisionist bullshit Biden was in office in early 2020 when the covid pandemic and lockdowns happened. Who knew? that...
inaction and silence is consent. Enablers are no better than the offenders.
It's what the gop wants
Creating their very own maga deep state. Loyalty to Trump over country and constitution. When do the book burnings begin?
Fish in a barrel: Anyone with access to a search engine can verify when the lockdowns started. Statewide COVID‐19 Stay‐at‐Home Orders and...