True, even on a good day before he got all old he had the stutter, was a gaffe machine, and was underestimated for years. A tall order to come...
They contradicted the orange god, making them RINOS
That would mean a second ass kissing ceremony in the Kremlin. The ultimate ring kiss as well, only this ring isn't on an orange finger.
" Welcome to Gilead"
cause of death: balcony?
That makes at least two posters here who bring up images of someone foaming at the mouth as they rant and rave.
You left out the part about daily pledges of loyalty to dear leader and the party, complete with the salute and the armbands.
Not going to hold my breath on any of these rubes in robes ever being held accountable.
Whomever kisses his ass the most and will have undying loyalty to Trump no matter what. If there is another j6 type event, the mob won't be...
Interesting statement when your orange god is a big time Putin ass kisser.
I can hardly wait for the ass kissing ceremony in the rose garden. The capitulation will be complete.
oil companies are notorious for jacking up prices on a seasonal basis and in advance of big holidays. Profits and shit. Was there a corresponding...
So has Hakeem seen his shadow yet?
or as a certain republican recently said: this can be bloodless if our victims allow for that.
It was never about " pro life" that is a bullshit talking point. It has been and always will be about power and control over everyone, even those...
I am under no illusions that a significant part of the GOP wants a total ban on abortion. They also want to go after contraception. Softening...
that plank will get whipped out after they are in power.
That defense is despicable " they wanted it". Throw away the key. Pedophiles are scum, pedophile pastors are even worse. Talk about violating a...
Then you get the fake news card.or the whatabout card