I have been staying out of the covid thread because of certain posters who continually post misinformation there. It just got too tedious. But a...
Well, by his explanation, that he didn't know he had to report the gifts, apparently he'd prefer people think he's a moron rather than dishonest.
He's both dishonest and a moron. How is it that an SC justice didn't know that expensive gifts didn't have to be reported?
The Wisconsin election once again shows what a powerful issue abortion is for Democrats. Wisconsin is pretty evenly divided overall but the...
Start by banning high capacity assault weapons.
Yeah, you definitely need help. I'll pray for you.
If that were true, that church gives you patience, kindness and understanding, you would behave far differently on this message board than you do.
Many examples, but an obvious one is global warming. Educated people have come up with the idea that global warming is caused by CO2 and other...
Yes, I'm threatened by ignorant people. We all are, whether we know it or not.
Exactly, that is the problem for you. You right-wingers are threatened by educated people who come up with new ideas and theories. You are...
This is always the case with authoritarian societies. It's easier to control an ignorant, uneducated populace. Educated people come up with...
I think you have it backwards. I think she is saying that others misconstrue dogma as values. And I agree with her.
That's a lot of punctuationless nonsense. You figure we should all either just run for governor or shut up?
There is definitely luck involved. New York was very unlucky early on as covid was raging in NYC before people knew it. If you exclude the first...
He constantly refers to the data from England because he thinks it supports his case. It doesn't.
The Russians, Chinese and millions and millions of American MAGA.
And in a post where he's talking about someone thinking they're smarter than cons.
Or maybe people who play loose with the facts tend to get fact checked more often. We all know about Trump's inability to tell the truth....
Yeah we have some posters with limited vocabularies who overuse certain words that they think make them sound smart.
Right, that was it.