He's always been against tight gun laws, abortion, legalized drugs, and universal healthcare.
I think you might be a little confused about your boy DeSantis then. Maybe you need to learn a little more about what DeSantis actually stands for?
I think women are a little more concerned with having the right to have control over their own bodies than some right-wing bogeyman issue that...
Being obnoxious is all he knows. It's kinda like DeSantis v Disney. DeSantis just can't give up even though he's making a total fool of himself.
Oh, ok. I thought you were talking about specific people. You were just talking about 'them'.
And who is doing this?
You sound like a cool dad.
And as I recall not a single conservative group was denied tax exempt status while at least one liberal group was.
Here's another one. It sure is a good thing that everybody has guns now. Man arrested after 2 Woodlands Elite cheerleaders were shot outside...
Agreed. We really see it in the Disney mess too. He simply can not allow Disney to defy him. It's insane.
Interesting piece about a former DeSantis aide who is now working for Trump. DeSantis fired her because he's a paranoid narcissist, so she found...
False equivalency.
Well it's good to know you at least have a line, but it's too bad that authoritarian abuse of power isn't on the other side of it.
So if Newsome started gassing Repubs, you'd be in favor of DeSantis gassing Dems, right? That's the logic you are using to support DeSantis's...
They will do anything to own the libs, even become nazis.
So if Newsome started gassing Repubs you'd be ok with DeSantis gassing Dems, right?
Reading your rationalizations is just torture. You can't even man up and just call it wrong. For the record, I don't agree with what Newsome...
Do you agree with what DeSantis is doing with regards to Disney? Just a yes or no.
That's a really dumb analogy.