Yeah, but there wouldn't be that many pro spots either, so it comes out in the wash. Watered down, but with better execution and coaching due to...
Greedy bastards!!!!
Gross? Probably college just due to the sheer number of schools. But in terms of net, I'm pretty sure the NFL is king there. NFL franchises are...
They should have forced the NFL's hand well before that, when the writing was on the wall. But, this is what short-sighted and greedy will get you.
It wouldn't go to the gutter because they would pony up that league ASAP before they allowed that to happen. That's the point. We needed to force...
And, to your point. That ship has sailed. But it could have been headed off if people hadn't been so thick headed and bought into the "NCAA is...
Which is why we (NCAA) should have forced their hand a long time ago and focused this on where it should be focused: The richest professional...
You mean like an NFL minor league? Which I've been saying for 20+ years and would have avoided all this crap? Nah, that's crazy talk apparently.
Ah Private Equity. . . Destroys everything it touches. Joy. You know it's good times ahead when these scumbags are poking around.
Good luck with that. They probably have similar thoughts about you.
The AZ guy (UF grad)? But he has no experience playing football. The board would slay that guy, UF grad or not.
But who was "that guy" when those guys were hired?
Just saying. Kelly, Jimbo ain't happening here. I was sad to see the Washington guy go to Alabama as he was my No. 1 choice if we got rid of Napier.
And/or restrictions. We will never go out for a big, established name. Not going to do it. Even SOS and Urban were hired on the way up and that's...
Yeah, but The Athletic is my go to for deeper dives and credible information. They may have fallen short of that goal, but are still by far the...
That was a real magazine, owned by Time and with a staff that really cared. Also, some of the best photographers in the world. This is just a...
I think its institutional personally. I think there's an entire segment of this university that finds this all very unpalatable and would probably...
Damn Skippy I would! I'd be really interested in hearing the logic of anyone who would have a problem with this.
More like how cable dies. Read the article. The issue is the bankruptcy of Bally Sports.
If it was the Bambino in reverse, then Walker becomes a god and the Vikings dominate for the next two decades. As it was, Herschel was good. Maybe...