One area of disagreement. If you pay/contract with the players individually (whether unionized or not), you get control over their movement. I.E....
All you had to do was look at Europe (UEFA) and see the similarities in the model. This "no relegation" thing was literally lifted from the Super...
The NBA had to - BITTERLY - give up on it's China/Free Money plan. Just like a lot of other's who put their profits ahead of American security and...
Minor leagues ARE professional sports.
Probably because we made him (and all the rest) look SO DAMN STUPID!!!
We'll see how valuable he is now.
My bad
We did back in the 90s. I was there to witness what I believe is the most points ever scored in Sanford Stadium. Pretty sure we hold that honor...
I love being right. Now the question will be whether the playoff TV money will be enough to offset the inevitable flight of booster money.
Yeah. The guys who are really into it (think recruiting guy) can tell you who the potential stars are probably going all the way down to U-12....
I.E. European Football (Soccer). This is how it's been done over there for 150+ years.
1a or 1b like last year? IDK, but I saw at least 2 guys in the Orange Bowl I would easily trade ETN for. Have fun with better competition.
"Your district restricts my son's earning capability. . ." Courts approve. Case Closed. Bye Bye any concept of amateur sports in this country.
Or more IMGs
Europe is superior. At least you get to follow them as they rise through your club.
Prediction: Won't be their No. 1. Probably No. 3 at best.
He never bothered me because, unlike many in similar situations, he never talked chit about us. In fact, if I remember correctly, always said good...
I was talking about Cam not Peyton, but very similar.
I remember seeing him near the end and just being shocked at how bad his arm was. Even his motion seemed screwed up. Definitely not the guy who...
When you have to answer questions from ET, People, TMZ on a Wednesday, it's a distraction.