This is what it will come down to. If cities can still fill hotel rooms, I think the bowls survive. TV should always be fine in an era when the...
I was on the fence, but watching the Rutgers fans celebrate turned me. I saw value where I didn't before and remembered good times at lesser bowl...
We agree completely on all that. Just don't see the cultural Marxism angle.
Yeah, but in the end that made it even sweeter didn't it? That's my favorite NC year for so many reasons. The beginning of the SEC's run of...
I disagree. Watching the Yankee bowl (or whatever they call it) that was a big deal for Rutgers if not for OSU. So I think there's a value.
Real interesting angle. Not sure that was the driving purpose, but you may be onto something there. How do you keep your swimmers, etc. trained in...
Reasoned reply? To idiocy like that? Why? And what would a reasoned response even look like? Sorry, but stupidity that deep needs to hurt. . ....
Yep. I've never been more down on College Football, but have to admit the idea of the playoff is exciting. It may be the one thing that saves it....
What color is the sky in your world? Cultural Marxism? This is capitalism defined. Every lawsuit is about compensation for services. Why don't...
It helped the entire state. Keep in mind, from 1983-2001, the NC went through the State of Florida. Florida was then what the SEC is now.
Recruiting is No. 1 and it isn't even close. SOS could do that then with a class ranked in the top-10, but now you have to have top-5 to even...
I just don't see how you do it. I guess you limit the rounds then let anyone left over sign wherever they want.
I guess they're already doing it to some degree, or using services to whittle it down to a manageable number. I still think it would be a fiasco,...
64 is still going to give you a bunch of have-nots at the bottom who stay there and exist for the bigger teams to pad their records. There's a...
But this is never happening. Just too large a country and too many players. It would be a fiasco, provided it could even pass legal muster (they'd...
Yeah, but isn't that countered by the inherent popularity of college football and all the things surrounding it? This league would be selling...
Maybe. But we don't see a split like that in baseball so no reason to think it would happen here. I do think you'd see a wealth split with the...
Not necessarily. We don't see a huge drop off, for instance, in college baseball from the minor leagues. There will still be guys very attracted...
I've said this for years. Most of us root for the jersey and that's why college football is so attractive to TV, advertising, etc. Captive Audience.
I agree. Most of the big money and hype would be for the SL, especially in the first few years. A lot of that would depend on who stays and who...