Not sure why this is so hard for you. Only 1% of players are good enough for the NFL. Why do you assume everyone else is a scrub? Are college...
Agreed. And while we're talking about selling our souls, why not completely sell our souls and get PIF to fund our athletic department? They...
So would I and so would a lot of others. Keep feeding the greedy monster and we may get our wish, or something similar. Problem is, I don't see UF...
It's the other way around, annual contributor to the general fund. . . for now. Given the rising costs of fielding a team, I'd expect that to go...
THIS! Pure chaos and free markets. Financially break the (sad) system and force the NFL to create a minor league.
I'm going to have to hear a lot before I buy. I refused to be suckered by EA again.
Never. Because that (competitive balance) is one of the major reasons why they're the most profitable professional league in the world (by a large...
Got to pay those rising bills somehow.
Ultimately I see about 40 teams splitting off into a Super League and the rest being something like the lower divisions in the FA. If they could...
Socialist for the benefit of the owners, not Socialist. I.E. They use socialist methods to ironically keep salaries and cost down and profits up...
There should have been. A LONG time ago. And FULLY FUNDED by the NFL. You know, the richest pro league in the world and the only one that makes no...
You mean an actual capitalist system (European Soccer) or a contrived one designed to profit a few owners (even at taxpayer expense) like ours?
Sure. It would be like watching American Football if you didn't have a clue. Actually, that would probably be the most annoying sport I can...
What's to think about, it is. Contracts are between player and the team. No collective bargaining. No strikes. If your current team accepts a...
At this point it's just mildly annoying.
It's really not that hard and if you actually cared you could easily find the answer given it's 2024. Oh, and we in the English-speaking Anglo...
Honestly, I think we should go full in. Academies, contracts directly between team and player. Hell, maybe even transfer fees. Beats all the...
So true. Will this fanbase ever have a relationship with a future player the way they did Tebow? IDK, but I highly doubt it. This idea of a guy...
They're going to have to do something because there are only 40 or so teams who can afford to do this. I don't know what that is, but it isn't...
Again, you're talking about removing the entire fabric of the game, and it's history. If you're cool with that, fine. But don't sit here and tell...