DA was in there to shut down Taylor. Taylor with zero points when guarded by DA.
Haugh too unselfish sometimes.
Still liking the whistle? Going to be a long game.
Lots of reaching by TAMU. Maybe they are tired? This is their 3rd game.
2 fould on Garcia and 2 on Carter. Now just need to get 2 on Taylor.
DA is not in there to shoot threes.
How did Aberdeen not get a foul on that drive?
We need to get a second foul on Taylor and sit his butt down. We have nobody who can guard him.
Here we go with Samuel trying to hit runners. Get to the rim dude.
Another crap start like yesterday. Hopefully it ends like yesterday.
What is wrong with Handlogten? Geez.
Damn, Jimmy Dykes.
Al was a better passer out of the double team but TS had a real nice cross court pass for an open 3 out of a double team that reminded me of AL...
Was going to post the same thing. Signing autographs, taking photos, having a good time in the post-game. He's got it rolling right now.
31-36 from the FT line and only 7 turnovers. That is the difference between a comfortable win and sweating out a tight game.
I love this team. All such good guys. Nobody talking trash or drawing attention to themselves. Just all very mature guys.
Great win. Tomorrow will be a whole different animal. More like the Gerogia game. All mucked up and heavily dependent on how the refs call the game.
I love it. 4 bench warmers and Haugh.
Could have run out the clock but they deserved to get dunked on.