A prick with fat thumbs?
Without it the earth's population would be about 100mil.
Aberdeen with another nice game.
They could surpass him in time. Not sure where the ceiling is for either.
Give Mertz solid protection and he'll be great.
Sapp and Boone is a strong combo. Real leadership we missed badly. Hopefully S James makes a leap and leads at lb.
Disregard bacon
"From what I know, coach Napier will 100% call the plays," Build the wall.
Is the band still playing?
We will win. Because between now and then we are going to learn how to defend the 3 and make free throws.
Wow what a crazy story.
Please take the Napier + - discussion to SG forum. Unless it's recruiting related. Mods find your lock, merge, move, ban buttons. They're...
Looks good. I'd expect this lineup to be above average and hopefully Fitzgerald makes a BIG difference in strength.
With unlimited transfer and NIL it's all different. I'm sure we'll start seeing good players at 4 or 5 different teams.
I am opting out.
Where all the GC Kiffin fanboys? Represent!
Sasse and Smart both start with S, have the same number of letters, are never seen together, sniff ass...