No range in this infield
he's out
Your point must have been that you were wrong. Both teams were short the same amount of players. If FSU's draft picks didn't want their team to...
He says he made the tag. Video angles were awful.
Little early for the knob creek?
It worked for us against arkansas last week. Luke did try his best to screw it up, but it worked anyway.
It is true. Both teams were short the same amount of players. 21, if I’m not mistaken. If fsu’s draft picks sat out, that’s on them. *27 [ATTACH]
Both teams were short the same amount of players. The mutts were playing their freshmen in the second quarter.
Chump stepped down to an analyst position. He’s not making much of anything and doesn’t want to.
The ncaa didn’t want this. They liked it the old way. They fought tooth and nail and they lost. The ncaa doesn’t really have any rules...
. Because people are willing to give them the money. As long as anyone is willing to pay, everyone will.
You’re not going to be able to limit the third party NIL money. The courts have already made that clear.
The money legally has nothing to with how they play. Pay them or don’t, but there’s ten other guys lined up to pay them if you don’t.
We can. If they can land a top wr, I think they would take him. Have to be at 85 by first game or a date that’s right around then. We are at 85...
They have to leave on their scheduled travel days. They can do a double header one of the other days but won’t move the whole series.
It’s simple. Score early and often. Don’t let them score.
Yep. You could probably do a supplemental contract that required an appearance in the city of the bowl game, but that still won't make them play....
It is the home team’s employee for sure. I’ve read on here many times of Walton walking out and instructing the scorer to change a call to or...
Looks like they scored it as an sb. I have quite a few plays scored differently than the official scorer for this game though. They only hit us...