She’s gonna be leaned on more heavily than she has been all year. People were worried about her being overused and running out of steam, this is...
Keep her off the basepaths and you won’t have to see it much.
Hope the girls haven’t been watching the boys play. They are not good role models. Lol
It’s a guy who reads message boards and acts like he’s an insider. People have latched on to him for some reason I’ll never understand, but I...
Not how it works.
Have to have money to shop in the portal.
Keagan probably will too. That’s postseason softball.
Keep the hammer down, ladies!
Does anyone think Shelly was terrible at third? Worse than Dale? Would any of you trade Dale’s bat for Mikey’s d given the choice?
Ava was calling for it as soon as the runner left the base.
Hate that guy. He sounds like minnie mouse.
Rained hard with heavy wind out in Alachua earlier. No rain for the last few hours and power is finally back on.
Have we decided if Skylar is “back” yet?
Me thinks he’s a little fella.
Dementia is real.
Just make sure to miss the studs!
UF required it at the beginning but now just recommends it. If you report it, uf will help you work through the tax stuff. Not sure on boise’s...
Yea, what this dude is claiming to do is not even legal.
I’m ok with it.