Don’t know that it really matters as there’s a very good chance he’ll be on scholly by the first game anyway. For some reason, I would still feel...
Have you seen it confirmed somewhere that he’s a walkon, or just assuming?
I’ve never heard anyone blame USC for OJ, but he’s definitely as much their problem as AH is ours.
40 this year and 52 last year. Probably more than half their roster is transfers. After signing day, they only had 3-4 hs signees, but looks...
Long way to go to catch up with the doctor guy.
Podcaster in the making. :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
I won’t be surprised by a start by ava or keagan. I would be somewhat surprised by a wooten or liv start.
Yep, and while the first game should be the easiest, you do not want to lose and have to dig out of the losers bracket. Most teams still run...
Minimum pay is 10k, max with bonuses is 35k.
Where she’ll likely make less than she was making here, lol.
Need to win 2 this weekend, or our post season chances look about shot.
I'll be watching something else.
Does it have to be 500 or over 500?
If we only win one this weekend, we have to win *3* in the sec tourney to stay above 500. If we only win one tourney game, the two following...
They were right on the cusp before the sec tourney. No way they weren’t getting it after that showing. I was pleasantly surprised about jumping...
I know it’s two weeks later, but Sully usually picks the first game, doesn’t he?
I loved the area, but I’m not your typical 18 year old football player. I thought the gameday experience was somewhat sterile and the woo pig...
I like it!
He looks 140, lol