Nah, dude. Strictly legally speaking, I think the DOJ has the Donald by the balls right now, and I'm not sure he knows it. He has some political...
It would make them appear more credible so they have every reason to leak that sort of thing. Now there can be a legal case and policy rationale...
Everything you said here is correct, but it doesn't answer what the DOJ has to lose when Trump has a nasty federal indictment staring him in the...
Same with Hillary Clinton.
Speculation speculation speculation.
Thank you for proving my point.
It appears that way, yes.
Good question.
People acting like Trump has already been presented with the option of return documents or face indictment... seem to be overlooking the fact that...
Then suffer the consequences of looking like this is about putting Trump behind bars, not about returning the documents. Because now you're...
"We don't hate you guys."
People running for President where the FBI looked the other way on that very same issue with his political rivals get quite a bit of cover in the...
If they offer him a deal that involves dropping the charges which only requires the return of the documents, and he still refuses, it'll be a Hell...
Because any answer we give will be mocked, dismissed, and ridiculed. Oh and grandstanding about how "nobody is above the law." Ya'll are out for...
There is a middle ground. We can have the documents returned and not end this with Trump going to prison.
Perhaps because there is no acceptable answer apart from "Two Minutes Hate" against Trump around here. Any defense of Trump around here is...
The racist and anti-scientific backlash against Dr. Prasad on this thread is sad, but entirely predictable.
You've failed to prove why the maps are fair. You calling something a "swing" district doesn't make it a "swing" district. You saying something is...
To me, the only certainty of setting policy regarding the drawing of district lines is that you shouldn't trust anybody drawing the lines. Not...