Clearly someone hasn't read the thread.
You're not wrong. Honestly, I smell lawsuit.
Yep, that would be your "stiff" punch. Where fake fighting accidentally (or not) turns into real fighting. Happens in pro wrestling more often...
It really doesn't take a criminal mastermind to have your Justice Department who already hates Trump to go after Trump.
As an avid childhood professional wrestling fan, I'm getting scripted vibes from this. Look at the people reacting to the punch and coming to...
Strawman, he's a sitting President. Also, evidence in Biden's case isn't as damning as the Hillary case, but I would cite the same provision...
Part of the calculus in judging Trump's Presidency is based on what he did do rather than what he said he wanted to do. And plenty of what he...
Despite Trump's stupidity, the media was (and is) still incredibly unfair to him. Which is a truly amazing feat. The pitch against Trump isn't...
1. None of that has anything to do with the decision to indict. 2. Trump didn't make the mishandling of classified documents illegal, he just...
I meant running for President the first time. And even if we're just talking about the second timeline, Trump running for Presidency in 2024 was...
Even if all of that is true, nobody cared until he ran for President. And it's not like they had no reason to care, dude was a public figure for...
As a general rule, I think the justice system can be trusted. In regards to Trump, I think there is clear evidence of internal bias against Trump...
The stakes here are a little higher than that, even though there's a lot of truth to this analogy. In the end, it comes down to the fact that we...
If we didn't have the evidence of the last seven years including the FBI raid itself, I would be with you. And I do believe in this presumption of...
Congressional investigations are political? [img]
It's possible... nay... likely that all of these guys are schmucks. We need to bring back a culture where all politicians are hated. :D None of...
Technically correct. But if you want to normalize fishing for shit against political rivals until something sticks, you do you. As I've said a...
Though I think it's a mistake to frame Trump as some "hero" here, this post does an excellent job of presenting optics and trust issues with this...
It's really all of the above. Trump is a jackass who broke the law and made the job for the Justice Department as easy as possible as far as...
If he does, the damage would already be done with or without jailtime.