That sure was a lot of words to try to justify your saying things that are untrue as you shill for a criminal, rapist liar. Sounds fun!
More people died from famine caused by the response than.....there was excess morbidity? Fascinating.
My fault. And good point. I forgot how awesome that Trumppublican health care plan was. That thing is coming out in two weeks right? I sure...
Jesus man, you have no business sullying one of the greatest movies of all time by associating it with your witless, humorless pablum. Nobody is...
Trumpies are so emboldened to lie and believe lies now that they'll just come out and say it. I had a very recent response from one explaining...
Also; why didn't that orange makeup wearing felon secure the border when he was POTUS and his party controlled both houses of Congress? Oh yeah-...
This. Totally this. Why, I'm old enough to remember when Obama passed some silly law about health care and all it did was enable about 30 million...
I think I'm starting to understand your point now. It is mere coincidence that all those millions died with covid, and there were millions of...
You took a lot of words just to say that you believe the lies of your Orange God, even when refuted by local professionals. Pretty sad. Also, i...
Perhaps. But if you live anywhere in our country, aren't you ashamed by Donald Trump repeatedly lying about the FEMA response to natural...
It's astounding how well he's conned so many people into thinking that he cares about them, or isn't just trying to help both himself and the...
I would think that anything that happens in some foreign country does not excuse the liars Trump and Vance from telling racist lies in order to...
Nah. Look it up on your own. Also, you are wholeheartedly supportive of a Presidential candidate who has been adjudicated in court of sexual...
The jury found that he forcibly penetrated her vagina with his fingers. And she maintained with his penis also. All against her will. And...
Agree. Your guy was definitely well prepped and expecting a few questions about eating dogs.
Sure thing, buddy. Sorry that you can no longer maintain that you only rabidly support a serial adulterer who was adjudicated guilty of sexual...
Please don't project your man crushes onto me, sir. Also, please don't address me until you have something either witty or funny to say. (Yes,...
To which the proper answer would be "Clearly neither one of them is cognitively qualified to lead the country. Also, are they still eating the dogs?"
You and the "swing and a miss, skippy sport" guy are stroking each other off over that sweet, witty Chinese bot comment? Sad. Get ahold of...
"Swing and a miss" is definitely funny. To a third grader.