I remember hearing every day that he was a dictator. Then they shut down the Russian troll farm, and I haven't heard that in a long while.
In this thread, has K Harris been the head of the federal government for the past almost four years? Or is that just in other threads?
I agree. The worst might be that grown adults tolerate these absolute lies. Tough to say....
There's a 3rd-grader somewhere who laughs at your insults, sport.
Watched a little. Just the usual lies. "Emptying out insane asylums." Will never understand how adult Americans tolerate a candidate who tells...
I wonder if these people had the awareness to realize that they were being lied to? Did they recognize that they were deplorably in thrall to an...
Trumppublicans citing "media" when referring to a shill for the network that had to pay an almost $1 billion settlement for knowingly spreading...
What a clownish line of questioning. What a deplorable state our country is in, when grown adults think that is acceptable journalism.
It's been very unfair. You guys are victims.
To be fair, anyone should well know by now to require full payment up front from Donald the Grifter.
Wondering if the story mentioned any agents named after loveable movie aliens, who have gone totally silent ever since the Russian troll farm got...
Well they are voting for a serial adulterer, racist, who was adjudicated guilty of sexual assault, and who enacted a criminal conspiracy to...
You actually post sometimes instead of just giving drive-by negative ratings? Fascinating.
Weird how you even still peddle Trumpy lies and conspiracy theories. Why is that? Is that what happens when someone suports a rapist?
I was going to highlight a part of this article, but decided that it is all essential reading. Just a very thorough breakdown of most of the lies...
This is a question based in fact, which is pretty well known. But then again, most people with your narrow mind and narrow breadth of knowledge...
In your opinion, perhaps. But then, you're just an extremely verbose lying troll with no substance. Or did you think a 5 paragraph explanation...
You say some kooky s***.
I'm sure your dad had a stern reaction if/when you lied to him also. Or if you encouraged or supported other people lying to him, or to people...
LOL. Don't be silly. One side passed pretty comprehensive reform that provided coverage for appx 30 million people - almost 10% of the entire...