It says "Chicom is rilly rilly bad and makes me rilly rilly mad. No me gusta el Chicom."
Sorry, I don't pay close enough attention to your posts to differentiate between your shilling for a convicted felon, or the organization that...
You are aware that that's not true. And that you are shilling for, and apparently will be voting for, a rapist, traitor convicted felon.
LMAO. The Trumpies are now arguing that..... .....somewhere there' least one Trump hire or associate who hasn't...
LOLOLOLOL. It's just so hard to understand too!! They only have a convicted felon for their POTUS nominee, and most of their leadership has gone...
From you that's a compliment. Thank you. With you it's just a bunch of shilling for a traitor criminal, or his criminal organization of...
You are aware that the job lasts for.....a period of time? And that it is possible that people change over......a period of time?
Too funny. Your defense of a race-baiter is that those opposed to his deplorable conduct are....race baiters. :)
I like your metaphor. I remember back in the day when I would repeatedly play the same record. It was accurate each time. Original? Well,...
Why? The current material is perfectly accurate.
Are you kidding us? Everyone predicted inflation when Trump instantly added deficit-funded fiscal stimulus to a strong economy. Then, of course,...
Isn't your family Cuban-American, and immigrated here? (Or do i possibly have that wrong?) If so, it's informative (about you as an individual)...
Your comments are absurd. I mean, the things you say are just legitimately nonsensical, and further comment would only get me on the wrong side...
Trump repeated them. In other words, he told racist lies. Your excuse is that he didn't actually make up the racist lies that he told, with the...
Nope. Not "he's a bad person. Just like both sides. Both bad sides are equal." He's a criminal. And a rapist. And a racist. And he tried...
Wrong. Telling known lies about an ethnic demographic, for the express purpose of disparaging them, is almost exactly what the definition of...
LOL. Whether that's true or not -what some people think about his racism- doesn't change the actual racist content of what he says. Really...
Come on, man. Get that nonsense out of here. Trump is running on racial grievance, amped up. Basically just what he' always run on; "stuff is...
It's sad that you believe this. But then again, some of us you are very comfortable with Trump's racism, criminality, adultery and rape. Enjoy.
We know you deplorables have no problem with the obvious racism of your political hero. There's no need to make it even more clear - we've been...