I read a gore Vidal book, Myra Breckinridge, maybe in the 80s. It’s only brand new because it gets your goat.
How can I reply to this without saying something that would get me a vacation.
I read that and thought about when good “Americans” would have said that about Catholics or Jews or black people or latinas.
Kansas City K and Kansas City Mo?
After my tbi I had a problem with seizures. I have a service dog that can tell when I am getting a seizure and he somehow untriggers it. If he...
I agree to a point. If the baker needed a city license can’t the city put requirements for the license. You can’t not allow black people in your...
I haven’t been in about 15 years but a 6 month old seems to indicate I will be returning in a couple of years.
I drove by a sign this morning after dropping off a kid at Daytona State. It said there is a human heart beat after 17 days. lol. Lying to make...
Maybe by refusing to seat electors or possibly by having a huge mob storm the capital on January 6th. 2nd verse same as the first.
There was a book, maybe the Pelican Brief where someone was murdering Supreme Court justices to influence a decision. It’s funny that all Crow had...
Domestic help is hard to get. Pointing out that her beliefs aren’t consistent won’t change her mind. All it might do is force you to hire another...
I used to vote for the libertarian party. Hoping that they would grow up and act like well libertarians. My first vote ever for a democrat for...
Trump is almost as old and seems crazier than Biden by far.
Every time I have tried to shop a liquidation sell they start by doubling the price then offer discounts off that.
I am not sure you know what the word evidence means.
It’s what the polls say and women like all groups are not a monolithic block. It’s close to 70 percent of women who’s support choice.
In DeLand they let bars serve drinks out the front door. I started buying persimmon hollow beer just to support a local business. Beach Hippie...
I am not a lawyer so my opinion isn’t worth much but I think this was handled right. Charge early and dismiss as the facts are known. That gives...
How is not being able to hire young people going to work? Women of child bearing age will not be moving to Florida. UFs hard earned ranking is...
I was a libertarian in my youth when I thought the party was serious. When the party rejected choice I realized that the party was nothing but...