I think I have watched my last horse race. The training seems cruel to me. I used to enjoy watching the triple crown races but think it’s cruelty...
He is intelligent (good comedians typically are). He is sensible. I think he would make an excellent president. I think anyone wanting to be...
Put a fifty dollar charge for any ammo taken from a gun range. Price per slug.
What’s the vector Victor?
St Basels?
John Stewart???
Are you serious? Wow. I can’t believe your crap stands and I get a post deleted. Unbelievable
So you honestly think that’s equivalent? People Are amazing.
Oh you mean people who are wrong? Lol. I joke I joke.
Insulting to who? God if he exists can punish me himself.
I also was perplexed by the inconsistency in the thought process here. Do they want open or controlled borders?
So because it is anathema to you, you don’t think it will happen. 16 months ago trumps supporters tried to overturn a legal election he lost. The...
I just had a funny post deleted. Which moderator is so offended by a joke that they delete it. It said that it was removed because it was an...
Anywhere men are around children there are going to be sodomites. Boy Scouts, churches and schools come to immediate mind.
There are good people on both sides? Is this quote in context?
I have a dislike for providence day school. It was started by a bunch of good baptists who didn’t want their kids to go to school with the colored...
I do know that a guy I used to help had warrants out for his arrest for loitering. I thought that on a really cold night he could flag down a cop...
My experience with the homeless is probably 25 years old. A great percentage was mentally ill. Some was addiction but I thought most of those were...
What has he done on the border? He hasn’t done much there except to maybe stop separating families.
Honestly what has Biden done that you disagree with?