So does he want to be able to vote for himself and hold office? I really think there should be a treatment for these nut jobs other than electing...
How the f is birth control the same thing as abortion. You are making your side look bad here.
I just want to say it’s sad that these two men, trump and Biden, are going to get nominated again. Biden isn’t trump so he was a decent choice...
My guess is that Epstein’s sleaze permeates so much of the upper levels of government. My gut feel is nothing will ever be released.
I think surprise is important but I am not going to second guess anything Ukraine does. They are far exceeding my best hopes for them.
I thought rape was usually about fear and control. I know you weren’t asking me but I doubt chemical castration was an effective deterrent either.
Most killings are done by people the victim knows.
Men have been raping women forever. Anecdotally noting that someone who was transitioning raped a woman isn’t data. If data shows that transgender...
My question is do these people realize how abjectly evil these moves are?
Nobody was saying that man has caused all climate change. Our activities are driving the warming that is occurring now though.
But he is a wackadoodle who thinks the cia killed his uncle and says he has proof, is a longtime antivaxer who believes the mmr causes autism.
I believe in global warming and I am optimistic that we will solve this while maintaining our current growth rates. More or less
Jews isn’t a race.
I was skeptical of anthropogenic climate change at first. I remember the pop magazines reporting that there was a coming ice age in the 70s. I was...
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? You seem to be very good at it. Must come from all the practice you get.
But how do you tell? The followers of the prosperity gospel seem very unchristian to me, but I think Joel Osteen is considered to be Christian
there is a man down the street from me who has a couple of rescue greyhounds. He says they are great pets. I have no further knowledge than this.
My understanding is you only own the property to the highest tide point(there is a term I don’t remember). IMHO beach renourishment if payed for...
I would consider him strongly. I worry that he is a leader in what I think is a cult but he seems like he might be a sane competent leader.
Otters are sweet when you see them playing in the water having lived on a lake. You don’t want otters making a den under your back deck. Just saying.