Looks like smoke or steam coming out of the 3rd base dugout
That those was were big fat ones screaming HIT ME! HIT ME!
Had him 0-2. So other teams do this too.
How 'bout that
I’m all for it. Public corruption galls me. It seems that very few are ever held accountable. It has to rise to the Bob Menandez/Spiro Agnew level...
Yep I wouldn’t put up with it either but Ga law sets a low threshold for ethical behavior. Probably something they shouldaddress in the next...
trump got Chris LaCivita installed as RNC co-chair along with his DIL. LaCivita was the guy behind the swift boat ads that falsely attacked Kerry...
Oh, don’t I know it. As a NPA I can vote either ballot. I chose the Republican ballot just to be able vote against him and trump twice in 1 year...
Yep. The Republican nominee for governor said the Holocaust was a bunch of hogwash and as Christians we are called to be led by men not women....
You don’t seem to understand that in this country nobody cites Alex Jones as an authority on much of anything and certainly don’t use him as a...
This is the best Neely has looked this year - and we needed it
OK Luke, just a fly ball
C'mon Flo and Jake - we need that insurance
A big AB here
Fisher has given up some runs and hits in pitcher's counts but he seems to be coming into his own - what we saw in the CWS. Hope he can gain some...
98 mph FB with command and a change and slider he can throw for strikes or close enough. He is dang good tonight.
Is there some game this year that Sully hasn't "gone for the win"?
The fact that the Gator O is scoring runs has allowed Fisher to remain in the game to this point.
Good night Mr Spalding