Where is Ellis Dungan when we need him?
This seems crazy to this legal layman. In giving an interpretation of the Presidential Records Act she seems to be pointing to a Directed Verdict....
Does to me
Is it weird that I read the quote in a breathy, edge of tears voice?
The fact he is a Republican Party official has about as much to do with his crimes as the car he drives. He is just one of the broken machines (as...
I would love to hear the "reasoning" that Republican state senator Ileana Garcia used to justify using public funds to pay a private debt. If this...
Why doesn’t trump just offer up those sneakers and a few NFTs where he looks like Rambo on steroids for collateral and be done with it?
Hope it does and hope it’s more than names on a flight log which would be near meaningless. Remember too Epstein had a lavish home in NYC that had...
Where, oh where will trump find the money? Convicted Russian money launderer Paul Manafort: hey, I know a guy....
Florida wins going away. This from a year ago: 91. What’s wrong with you guys down there? #1. Florida - Number of rioters: 91 - Rioters per...
Helps Florida cement its hold on J6 rioter championship
Western Journal and Project Veritas. Now there’s some rock-solid sources.
Yes, and they took an oath that I expect the vast majority would honor
This from a fanboi of the defeated sexual assaulter who uttered more than 30K lies during his tenure. Get outta here with that stuff....
Came in with 0 losses - so we gave them some Came in with 0.0 ERA so we gave some runs Good series Gators
1 more
So other teams do this too?
Shelnut does something and we have to review it to see what. he gets tagged out at 2nd and homers same play
Just another Earl - although this one was very good yesterday.
Well, short memory means I'm never wrong