6 Ks in a row. Guy has the slider working
OK, now its way too interesting
earl is a bit of a short arm thrower
Especially one with access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets
It used to be the drug of choice for chemically restraining large mammals - didn’t know at the time I was easing their anxiety as well.
I ordered it
Disturbing to consider she's not even Alabama's worst senator. [MEDIA]
Good documentary.
The body English and mannerisms seem very rehearsed and over dramatic
Is she crying now?
Yep, he didn't say that - intentional? Also, did not end with the traditional "And God bless the United States of America" It was "And God protect...
Give till it hurts Donate to Support Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats Nationwide
He's no Obama for sure. Obama had a oratorical gift
that your way of saying his nickname of sleepy Joe is inaccurate?
that's what SOTU speeches are though
But this Israeli/Hamas conflict needs mention
go back to your World of Warcraft gaming
The white men in blue suits aren't standing when Biden says he wants to fix the border.
Speaker Johnson looks like someone farted on him during the border bill part