I hope you haven’t been carrying that regret from 1986 all this time. It was ok, but nothing special.
Sometimes I wonder if you really went to UF?
He’s slender, but not fit. He can barely pick up his feet when he walks. It’s very common for 80 year olds.
I really don’t see where either side has the credibility to claim that either of these two are fit to be president? It’s like a fan of the view...
I don’t think the world ends, but the inflation will hurt for a long time. Those that it will hurt the most are the young adults getting started...
Sorry, I had to quit at the “gave him oral sex against her will”
My bad. I’m sorry. Can we agree that those who do defend reckless fiscal policy are shitty, worthless human beings?
No, I’m not a Pub. Went independent when Reagan was still in office. Percent wise, you are correct; Reagan is The King. But Bush 41 and Clinton...
That works as long as it works until it doesn’t work anymore. Keeping deficits (future additional debt) in line with GDP will be extremely...
Bingo!!!!! Welcome aboard, we are glad that you have awakened and decided to join us. Better late than never! The USG has borrowed $100K in the...
Agree. I’ve never understood polls that quantify a 100% individually subjective thing and try make it into a one size fits all index. But I do...
Composite! If it’s cored it would even work better if it didn’t crack.
That’s fine JJ. The minority groups and individuals that you refer to have figured things out for themselves and really don’t want or need your...
The cannibals are starting to eat each other!!
Sounds like the best that you have is that since Trump knew it was all bullshit and didn’t roll over and hand them the noose they would hang him...
It wouldn’t be hard to classify violent and non violent felonies.
While I disagree, that is funny!!
Me thinks this piece of shit has already strongly established that he is dangerous AND presents other risk markets.
Absolutely. It’s too bad the brother didn’t have something stronger then we wouldn’t have to worry about it
If that was for the Halloween Ball then the Angels may have been there but there wasn’t any trouble. But that was the last real Halloween Ball at...