War On Drugs, like all government “one size fits all” programs and initiatives, has been a failure. Probably could have just doubled the...
Agree. Mistakes are made in investigation, trial, and sentencing. They are also made parole, commutation, and pardons. Given the options, I...
I used Cash because in this concert, before they did Ragged Old Flag he talked about getting ready to go on tour overseas. He said that each time...
Damn Apple.
Imagine that! She went somewhere and found out that the liberal hogwash that she had been buying was just that.
Must be really sad to go through life without a sense of humor.
Looks like it wasn’t.
Good selection. I’ll have to go with 3
Bling, we would need a completely different site if we wanted to seriously discuss the hypocrisy of both parties and ideologies.
That’s correct. Until recently Floridas initiatives were overweighted to tourism $. Still is, but they will at least talk now. Alabama has done...
Senior once, but dated a senior when I was a junior so I went to grad night twice.
One was enough for me.
I’ve been back since, but I was at that grad night.
Why is this “all or nothing” for you? That’s ridiculous. Open your eyes instead of just watching videos that feed your bias. I’m no fan of...
I wasn’t even considering the danger of people being armed. Good point. I was just considering that people are than willing to take out their...
You’re looking backward. Check their growth and the number of companies relocating or starting operations there. Salaries and wages are...
Unfortunately do nothing bystanding is only going to get more prevalent.
Now those are what I would call some nice taps!!
You would do well to go educate yourself on the success of Alabama’s Economic Development initiatives over the last 15-20 years. In 10 more years...