This falls under the “What Could Go Wrong” label.
Please put down the crack pipe.
Can we call you Bushmaster?
I’m all for restricting guns from known criminals, or to be kept in the same residence as known criminals. The problem is that you guys make gun...
It’s not about whether a trans person is or is not more pre-disposed to commit a crime. It’s about making it easier for someone who is already...
Just like it’s a bad idea to pump $11T in liquidity into a supply constrained economy, it’s also a bad idea to have policies that give sick people...
I’m trying to figure out what an AR was doing at a Peaceful Protest?
Educate yourself. Best Conservative Comedians | List of Funniest Republican Comics
Classic scene from a classic movie.
Damn JJ, you’re hitting them out of the park today!
You clowns are real pieces of work. Now I see why you are so liberal and miserable. JJ made a joke that trump does pay for sex, which was very...
My god do you not have even the slightest sense of humor. JJ said that he does pay money for sex. I replied that in this case, if you believe...
You lawyers can correct me if I am wrong but he sure doesn’t appear to have a knack for hiring great legal counsel.
Tried and didn’t is the same as didn’t.
Or in this case, pays a lot of money and didn’t even get the sex!
Looks like someone might be a little envious of our friend magnet????
Well, fortunately for you there’s no law against ignorance, so you are well within your rights to keep your eyes closed. You have a nice day and...
magnetofsnatch is to this day the greatest moniker ever established!