My youngest daughter is a teacher. She has been diligently saving to buy her own house for over four years. She has saved a lot of money. Enough...
No, it’s just amazing to me that you cannot see the damage done to this country over the last three years. And I do mean three because Trump was...
Actually, he was trying to prevent the screwing that we are all taking from Biden. In the rear, no lube. Taking it hard. Enjoy yours.
I think this is a very accurate assessment. Many of my mentees have asked me over the years; “How do I get an office like this”? I always...
Dude, you need to learn to look at the big picture. These “people like him” have also done a lot of good things for people, Marcus in particular....
I hear people all day long saying study after study. I used to hear that on the four day work week as well. Haven’t seen anything yet to make...
Are you saying that the lower level work for the two degrees is the same (less electives) and the upper level work is 75% common?
There’s an athletic program debate?
Took me a while to find this, but I’m sure this will be brought out again. Narrator is a bit over dramatic but the interviews are not good for...
I see that you regard manual labor as low or no value add,
If I didn’t know better I would think that someone thinks Marcus is talking about them??
I don’t consider History in the useless category. I’m interested to find out why you do to as to why you would make that statement?
You and soho would do yourselves well to do a little research and understand just how many early employees of Home Depot became quite wealthy with...
Probably 80-90% of our team claimed the same thing when they were working remotely, unfortunately, for most jobs, the numbers say otherwise. We...
The biggest one I remember was the Raney domestic violence/threat incident. I think it was 2010. I’m sure there are many more that never made the...
I don’t think it’s the individual incidents as much as the cumulative of incidents from UF and OSU. Also the allegations of his behavior towards...
Wow, nine pages! No on has paid this much attention to the Orlando Slantinel in decades!
Never underestimate the power of the human spirit.
That one needs some thought!