Let alone one that was already voted out. That’s what really blows my mind. One term loser got voted out and they still can’t quit him....
Not sure what you mean by “confirmed” but ok. I was thinking the Pulse nightclub shooting but there has likely been one more recent than that.
Again a MAGAt would have been a far safer bet. That’s where the majority of terrorism comes from these days.
When was the last Islamic terrorist attack in this country? Now how many right wing terror attacks have there been in this country since then?...
You're complaining about the northern border now?
You’re arguing with a troll. He doesn’t believe what he posts. Don’t feed it.
'My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference.''...
“Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever." William Taft
this is some vintage Rick. lol! Never change.
I don’t disagree with any of that. You seem to have no issue acknowledging the US government has killed millions of civilians, many of whom were...
I condemn Hamas. That’s good enough for me. I don’t need to paint a 2.3 million person population that’s half children as somehow deserving...
Just because some people still want to wear masks does not mean the powers that be have not been clear about the pandemic being in the rear view....
https://www.npr.org/2022/09/19/1123767437/joe-biden-covid-19-pandemic-over Over a year ago.
You so desperately want to believe that these aren’t innocent people dying by the thousands in Gaza. Half of them children. Pretty pathetic.
It’s a shit poll asking a group of people about another group of people that were literally, at that exact moment, bombing them. Not to mention...
lol I found a link to this poll. Conducted 4 weeks into the bombings. They literally interviewed people at bomb shelters.
what’s her name?
Yeah I'm not believing shit from TikTok. Its a Chinese owned site. I have no idea if those are real people saying that or bots or Russian troll...
They should have used 783 - the active teachers and staff.