How about we kick a bunch of Russians in their DC embassy?
that implies they’ve found other incriminating evidence yielding new charges? Yeah he’ll flip like a flounder…
He’ll also have a problem if the DOJ team is all female lawyers (can’t be in a room with just women)
We better get Whelan as well and the embassy teacher who had 14 grams of pot.
A clue to why he was being detained apparently he’s been detailing how Russia’s economy is in the shithole not just now but for the long term....
A potential setback for Dominion Tucker Carlson Produces Doctor’s Note Claiming He Would Be Unable to Raise Right Hand in Court Complicating...
Email and texts last forever. It’s why trump doesn’t use them.
Aren’t they mostly out? I think they nationalized McDonalds a while ago.
Love this little provision that they must have had a blast writing. The declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor...
Trump is having a field day. I saw a poll where he’s at 54% vs 24% for DeSatan in the GOP electorate. He’ll cruise to nomination and then get...
Apparently no fear of being rescinded. From a pretty accomplished lawyer friend “It’s a legitimate action by the relevant entities. Off the top...
Hoo boy read about the layers DESatan as retained corrupt as hell DeSantis’ Reedy Creek board says Disney stripped its power