He’d resign or an invocation of the 25th amendment. We’ll have our first female president. More importantly, a loss for the Pubs would leave...
“freedom cities” federal land manufacturing jobs home ownership VTOL Rural America Hard working families Young people (and other people) light...
Michael Jackson’s pronouns: He / Hee Why not just treat people with a sense of decorum and empathy? To not go to UF because of a tour guide’s...
“and now for the rest of the story”
Hold up. I am talking about Joe. His acknowledgement is complicated if his son’s wife limits access to her children. You seemed to have switched...
Not sure it’s that simple. What if the current wife does not like it and takes away your access to her child, also your grandchild? Lots of...
Likely a tough situation. Joe Biden is stuck between his son’s choices and associated genetic lineage. @Trickster — would you acknowledge a...