No one on the right cares. It’s confounding to see how dumb they want to make Americans. Asians, Indians, and Nigerians scavenge to buy books...
I don’t know. Lots of nuanced complexity. The issue is middle school though, not college level critical thinking [MEDIA]
This is a rather disgusting attempt to brainwash children and to create an early moral truth / ideal that there is no systematic racism in America.
It was a unanimous approval. That should make us all concerned. Any oversight group in full agreement should be re-evaluated. No dissent is a sign...
“Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”
I guess my Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged objectivism joke didn’t land with you. I will try harder next time.
Vacuum of leadership in Texas to solve actual problems. Sadly no term limit in Texas.
Many do. Did you see the Hannity interview of Newsom?
He doubled down. I am surprised that he didn’t understand access to medical care and cultural choices to seek medical care as a primary factor....
I thought this was a story about Reardon steel. Oh well. Good for the “Made in America”, actually brought to you by Bidenomics....
Depends on how you define “stolen”: 1. Ballot harvesting 2. Mail in ballots inconsistent with state law. 3. Counting after Election Day 4. Fake...
They don’t care. Pages for copy paste comments. McCarthy blocks Schiff, Swalwell from Intel committee.
His priorities are focused on platitudes and niceties. There is no practical application to any of his priorities in a hyper-partisan conflict. I...
Funny. So we have Woke, Truth, Kneel…
I am unable to find DeSantis’ platform and policy goals as President on his website. Can someone please point them out? Thanks in advance....
Sad story. Cop responding to multiple dogs running around and a dog bite. Justified? Need more info on why animal control wasn’t there. Leash...
Biden is making it happen for those that voted for him. The grievances against him for those policies is expected. so far, his two promises not...
None of them care or want to acknowledge they are following fools. They just move on to the next conspiracy. We need a functioning Conservative...
Do you believe that Ronna can run a clean Republican nominee process? Trump may bring down down the tent by claiming voting fraud and then run as...