This is a perfect example of how fake news matters. Next time your friends say so what, point to this and say this is how fascists use fake media...
So much winning!
I will say, the difference in treatment by police based on the color of your skin has never been more apparent than in the treatment of these...
I hope this ruins them.
So it looks like 2k deaths a day now us may break 300k dead by Christmas.
This thread has just turned into angry conservatives bitching about how unfair the world is.
This thread actually used to be a good place to come for info. Now it’s just troll shit.
Lol Oooooookkkkk. Whatever you say chief.
Ps there are almost 5 million registered republicans in California. More than most red states.
funny coming from you. Thanks for the continued laughs.
coordinated more with the states about the need to social distance. He didn’t announce that until March 16 when it was too late. Among many many...
Well that’s one imaginary way to look at this like trump did something right.
see this I mostly agree with. Except for the stopping the spread. If individuals were just a bit more responsible we could slow the spread. But...
the federal govt response was a failure. Thanks for agreeing.
it did help. Where have you been?
It’s not I just can’t say what I really mean or I’ll get banned again lol
It's funny to me that the party that values life doesn't care about the extra people dying from covid.
Had we taken defensive actions more quickly and done more testing in February I doubt it would be as bad right now. Also had we been more...
I just listed one virus. Also a HUGE difference between control and eradication. We control SARS, MERS, Ebola, Whooping cough (just got a TDAP for...