MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A...
All I know is what you post here. That doesn't mean I know you. But by all written evidence, it appears you are suffering from some kind of...
This is a message board. We aren't "picking you apart". YOUR POSTS ARE WHO YOU ARE. Don't like it? Don't post, or post different. NO WHERE IN...
In the last three pages you've admitted that you are uncomfortable with the movement, and wish gay stuff wasn't a part of our culture. And now...
I assume most straight liberals don't think about gay people, as a social group or identity, much at all in a normal day. And I guarantee you most...
it is a clump of cells for quite a while with no concept of being alive. Regardless the person carrying it gets more rights plain and simple....
so much crap in here it’s not really worth a legit response.
There isn’t anything else to say. Woman’s body woman’s choice. you disagree. I think that’s wrong. You are literally siding with something that...
what baby? I don’t see a baby.
I can smell the bs through the screen. Woman’s body woman’s choice. But but but muh dna… Lol
But not regarding guns apparently.
Sad that some turn to the government to control what others do with their bodies. But I guess there will always be men out there obsessed with...
I don't care if we call it a baby. Irrelevant. Woman's choice. Her body.
Nope - BS. No law should govern what a human being should be able to do with their own body. Baby doesn't exist without women's body to sustain...
The baby is irrelevant. Woman's body. Her call. No one else has a say. People like you trying to argue that YOU somehow have a say because a...
Yeah it's about a women's right to choose what to do with their body. It's their body. Period. Of course republicans don't care about that....
Lol wut
I’ve posted several strategies previously in this thread. Won’t repeat it here. Just scroll back a couple pages.
Where’s that smarty pants from earlier in the thread that was saying no way Putin invades Biden is just warmongering because of low ratings lol....
Yeah you have to avoid open conventional war with russia at all costs, but you do that through strength and deterrence. Not just praying they...