No, it matches what we see on a daily basis. Repub voters overwhelmingly support Trump and their main priority is owning the libs. Your governor...
The poll doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know.
You're welcome, troll.
Yeah, in other words it started out as a culture war thread.
No, it started out as a culture war thread. Read the OP.
If only we could keep better track of those things.
You've unintentionally identified one of the sources of the problem -- right-wingers getting triggered to the point that they decide to start...
Catsimatidis is building what will be the tallest building in St Pete.
It's a real good thing you are no longer in that business.
It will definitely get worse as idiot right-wingers like DeSantis push to loosen gun regulations. Maybe enough Americans will wake up and vote...
In an understandable view because right-wingers express their hatred and contempt of LBGT every day. All they talk about is drag queens and trans...
You are so clueless.
The problem isn't comedians poking fun at LBGT. The problem is the right-wingers hatred of them.
Maybe it's the tax payers of Florida who should be taken to the cleaners for electing the idiot.
The thing is, not much would change in China.
He's a fool. Even his supporters are starting to see that.
I don't watch Fox but I was on the road last week and it was on in the breakfast area of the Hampton Inn I was staying at. Every single story had...
Yeah, a typical attempt at false equivalency.
I assume you're being sarcastic. They will likely find someone at least as bad. And if he/she isn't as bad at first, they will become as bad to...
Having to constantly try to distance yourselves from the right-wing nuts on your side must suck.