Actually NY has low death rates if you exclude the first couple of months of the pandemic, but you know that.
Post them again and lets see which states did worst.
Or we could have been like Texas, which also opened their schools early and had one of the worst age-adjusted death rates in the US, along with a...
If only the whole country had the covid stats California has we'd be looking pretty good.
Well it's true that I generally do not like conservatives, but the things I support are generally supported by the candidates I vote for.
It's entirely tribal for a lot of these guys.
You are quite often the instigator of the rudeness. Amazing that you refuse to admit that
You insult me at least as much as I insult you. You often go out of your way to do it, responding to posts that weren't even addressed to you.
You get engaged in insult matches with lots of posters besides JJ. Quite often you are the first to insult. That's not that hard to admit to, is it?
How do you figure it's off topic? If there are other threads where JJ was the first get personal, feel free to point them out. In this thread 95...
Sure. Every thread is different. But in this thread, 95 was the aggressor first.
Post 23:
No, you started it by referring to her as delusional.
Valid concern.
She didn't write anything about you until she questioned your reading comprehension, which is pretty minor, but by then you'd already called her...
Well if you read through this thread, you're clearly the aggressor. You start the direct name calling in post 56.
You're usually the one who escalates things first. See this thread for an example.
I'm not sure why Fox was so alarmed by that text. Did they not watch his show? He says racist shit all the time.
Trump voters aren't the brightest bunch.
People of all income levels have been coming to Florida for well over a century now. The biggest increases in population growth occurred in the...