But we're almost certainly going to get a Biden/Trump rematch. Why? Because Biden is the incumbent president and incumbents are almost alway...
I think the (male) Baptist preacher rapists should be put in prison with other males.
It's not even close.
Who are the extremists who are controlling Biden? With Repubs, a large chunk of crazies in the house (House Freedom Caucus, et al) are pulling...
Keep telling yourself that persecuting trans people is a good issue for your party. The problem for Repubs is they will (and already have) take...
The other issue with voting for a reasonable Republican (if you can find one) is that the inmates are running the asylum in the Repub party....
Who are the real Americans? The ones who voted for Trump twice but then switched to supporting DeSantis after they decided he had a better chance...
I think the odds of someone I know being raped by a trans woman are about a trillion to one.
He'd have to do it every day.
It's pretty funny to look at the pro-DeSantis threads and posts from last year. Now everyone is jumping off the DeSantis train too.
I think some of this stems from new technology that has exposed the racism that was always there. Cell phone recordings of black people getting...
I know! Referring to women as snatch is so cool!
So says magnet of snatch.
I tried to redirect it. But narcissists need all the attention they can get. I will stop posting in this thread.
Yeah that's definitely it.
It just keeps getting dumber
That's just stupid Monday morning QB stuff. They had to learn how best to treat covid. They learned pretty quickly that steroids helped and...
And you can't lead if you don't lead by example. Pressure will mount on countries that don't do their part. Also, the cost of green energy will...
I went ahead and copied the OP to the main covid thread, where it should have been posted in the first place. No need for any more responses to...