1. You are making up your own definition of equity. 2. Continuing our baseball example, I think a team of poor kids playing a team of rich...
No, it just seems dumb.
Just dumb knee-jerk insults. Did he insult you first?
No, that's not the 'equity' standard of fair. The 'equity' standard of fair would be more like ensuring that one team at least has shoes and...
So what are the big giveaways to the poor? Medicaid? Food stamps?
Your post was ok until you decided to include "You’re just an unhappy soul" at the end. What does that have to do with anything? It just makes...
These guys aren't interested in fair outcomes.
That's pretty dumb. So if an umpire intentionally calls more strikes for one team than the other you think that's an outcome that's neither good...
I think that's a good idea. It would reduce the clutter on page 1 by 2 or 3 threads.
Depends. What do you think inequity is a sign of?
Ok, so that sounds just like what you said when you posted "Yep, Democrat appeal is putting 10 people in a room, one of them is Bill Gates, then...
I promise. So how do we decide how much to tax people?
How do we decide how much to tax people?
Learn to read. I haven't said anything about injustice. How do we decide how much to tax people?
Learn to write. You said 'You get what you earn'. If you meant 'You get what you earn after taxes' you should have written that. And that's the...
So no taxes at all then?
It's really simple. The more people carry guns with them the more gun violence there will be. You can't have gun violence without the gun.
Dade City's a crap hole?
It's a good thing everybody has guns so we can shoot each other when we have arguments.