Ask Trayvon Martin.
Based only on all the anger and hate you display on this message board, I can't imagine anyone more ill-suited for that position. But maybe you...
They're not tough questions at all for me. I'm against the death penalty. We know that innocent people have been convicted and sentenced to...
We just disagree. We know that innocent people get convicted. And DeSantis has just made it easier for an innocent person to be executed. If he...
I didn't call him a psycho murderer. But I don't think he cares if an innocent person gets put to death because of this.
Putting an innocent person to death is no big deal for a psycho like DeSantis.
Agreed. But apparently Repubs think it should be banned at the national level. With abortion many Repubs say it should be left up to the state...
Repubs are losing business too. DeSantis is leading the way.
I think it's nuts that they decided to do Orlando to Miami before Orlando to Tampa. The I4 traffic is crazy.
You've been a big supporter of DeSantis on this message board until recently. But it is good see you and many of your fellow former DeSantis...